Ethernaut tips and solutions

First steps Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash


Ethernaut is an (awesome) browser game that let’s you practice Web3 and Solidity whilte solving different tasks. The game consists of 23 levels (as of August 2021) and each level is focused on some Solidity feature or bug, smart contract design flaw, or unexpected behaviour of a contract. Your goals in each level is to hack it: to find a way of becoming a contract owner, to transfer all tokens to your own address, or abuse a feature of Solidity that wasn’t taken into consideration by a smart contract developer.

This is game a rare opportunity to get some real practical skills if you already know some basics of Web3 and Solidity. This is also a good opportunity to deepen your knowledge of Solidity because some levels are very hardcore – you won’t solve them without diving into the internals of Solidity and EVM.

In this blog post, I’ll tell you about my experience solving the game and will give you some hints for each of the levels. If want to see complete solutions, you can find them on GitHub. Just remember: there’s more than one way of solving the levels, finding your own solutions might be more benefitial to you than simply solving the game.

Let’s begin!


To play Ethernaut, you’ll have to have some basic skils, like:

  1. JavaScript. Being able to write basic scripts in JavaScript is enough but you’ll also need to learn about async/await or how to get results from Promises.
  2. Solidity. You need to know Solditiy syntax and have experience writing simple contracts. A good way to get the basics is CryptoZombies and the official documentation.
  3. Web3.js. This is a library that has became the standard way of interacting with Ethereum in JavaScript. So, the better you know it, the easier it’ll be for you to solve the levels. The official documentation will be a good helper if you forgot or didn’t know something.

Nevertheless, don’t set the bar too high! Give it a try and learn while playing! This is what the game was created for.


Even though Ethernaut is a browser game, you’ll want to reproduce levels on your computer to better understand them, test ideas, and quickly iterate with solutions. That’s why you’ll need a tool to make smart contracts development as easy and comfortable as possible.

Hardhat is the best Solidity development tool at the moment. It comes with a template to set up a Solidity project and frees you from the need to run and manage a local Ethereum network. It just works! Also, Hardhat has a configured and transparent testing environment, which allows you to iterate super fast compared to other development environments.

One extremely useful feature of Hardhat is hardhat/console.sol contract that allows you print to the console from smart contracts! It provides console.log() function in your Solditiy code, as well as other functions to print different data types (e.g. console.logBytes32()). With this function, it’ll be much easier for you to understand what happens in a contract and find out if something goes wrong.

Remix IDE is a browser IDE for writing and deploying smart contracts. The fact that it runs in browser and that it’s connected to MetaMask allows you to deploy contracts in a couple of clicks. Everyone uses Remix. Spend some time to get comfortable with it, this will pay back.

General recommendations

Whenever you see Solidity code:

  1. Read it.
  2. Ensure that you understand every line.
  3. Re-read it.
  4. Try to see the whole picture.
  5. Try to see if there’s something wrong.


0. Hello Ethernaut

This is an introductory level, it’s goal is to teach you how to use MetaMask to connect to a test network and how to interact with Ethernaut contracts using your browser’s developer console.

My solution: follow the instructions.

1. Fallback

The smart contract has a logical flaw that allows anyone to become an owner and withdraw all funds. Find it.

  1. Learn about the receive() function
  2. While this is not relevant to this level, learn about the fallback() function as well. This will help in the future.
  3. Learn how to call contracts with Web3.js and how to send ether allon with contract calls.

My solution: call contribute() and send some ethers to become a contributor, send some ethers to the contract to become an owner, call withdraw() to withdraw all funds.

2. Fallout

There’s a typo in the code, find it and use it to become an owner.

My solution: a single transaction sent via Web3.js.

3. Coin Flip

This is where things are getting nastier. 😈

  1. Read the code.
  2. Learn about the maximum value of uint256.
  3. Try to understand the idea behind using that big number.
  4. Realize that you always know current block number and hash.

My solution: I first tried soliving it via Web3.js but that was dull because there’s no guarantee that my tx gets into the next block. Then I’ve deployed it as a Solidity contract (there’s no code, sorry) and it was also dull but more reliable.

4. Telephone

Learn the difference between tx.origin and msg.sender.

My solution: smart contract, test

5. Token

Learn about integer overflow and underflow and see if the contract is vulnerable.

My solution: Web3.js, test

6. Delegation

Learn how contracts are called from other contracts and the difference between call and delegatecall. Also, remember that delegatecall is always a red flag.

If you’re doing this via Web3.js, you’ll need to know how to use custom ABI to call contract methods that are not defined in the contract’s ABI. Another way of achieving the same goals is by using the low level call function, but it’ll be harder.

My solution: Web3.js

7. Force

You need to send ethers to a contract that doesn’t allow to do that. Here’s a hint: learn about selfdestruct.

My solution: smart contract, test

8. Vault

Everything on blockchain is public even if it’s marked as private in Solidity. Ethereum JSON-RPC and Web3.js provide a way to read any value stored in a contract: getStorageAt.

My solution: a single call to getStorageAt via Web3.js.

9. King

This level requires deploying a contract. The goal is to break the contract so it cannot be used after you. You’ve probably already learned about the fallback function and what happenes when you send ethers to a contract that doesn’t implement it.

My solution: smart contract, test

10. Re-entrancy

Re-entrancy attacks are probably the most common ones. Here are some useful links to learn about them:

  1. Re-entrancy from the official Solidity documentation.
  2. Re-entrancy by example
  3. Checks-effects-interactions, a pattern to prevent re-entrancy attacks.

After studying these resources you’ll be able to spot the vulnerability.

My solution: smart contract, test

11. Elevator

You need to implement a contract that returns different results when its function is called with the same argument. The easiest way of achieving that is via some internel state.

My solution: smart contract, test

12. Privacy

This is an advanced version of the Vault level where you need to read an element of a private array that’s not the first state variable of a contract. These links will help you:

  1. Layout of State Variables in Storage
  2. Explicit Conversions

My solution: a single call to getStorageAt via Web3.js.

13. Gatekeeper One

To solve this level you need to solve three sub-tasks:

  1. gateOne requires you to use a contract to solve this level.
  2. gateTwo requires the amount of gas left in the transaction to satisfy a condition. This is the trickiest part. To solve it, learn about the way of limiting gas in contract calls.
  3. gateThree requires a key that satisfies three conditions. This is not hard as soon as you learn about type conversions.

My solution: smart contract, test

Notice that my solution will work only in the Hardhat environment because the gate key is derived from the address you’re sending the transaction from.

14. Gatekeeper Two

This levels is the same as the previous one but it’s a little bit trickier. Similarly to Gatekeeper One, gateOne requires the call to be made from a contract. But, gateTwo now requires the caller to have no code, which kind of contradicts to gateOne. You need to find out if and when Solidity smart contract has no code.

My solution: smart contract, test

15. Naught Coin

This is a simple level where you need to transfer tokens to a different address when transfer method is not available. To solve it, you need to read through the ERC-20 EIP and see if transferring is still possible.

My solution: smart contract, test

16. Preservation

This is my favorite level and it’s mind blowing. I highly recommend you solving this level by yourself. For that, you’ll need to learn about:

  1. delegatecall
  2. Layout of State Variables in Storage

My solution: smart contract, test

17. Recovery

The correct way of solving this level is to learn how contract address is generated when contract is deployed , use Etherscan to find the nonce, and to reconstruct the address.

My solution: This is the only level where I cheated. I used Etherscan to find the transaction where the level was deployed and the token contract was created. I then extracted the token contract address from that transaction. 🤷‍♂️

18. MagicNumber

This is one of the most interesting levels because you have to go beyond Solidity to solve it. While level description says you need to write EVM bytecode, there’s in fact an easier way – Yul.

  1. Refer to the ERC-20 example to figure out the minimal structure of the contract and notice that you’ll need the deploying part in your tiny contract.
  2. Use solc-select to install and switch between different versions of Solidity compiler.
  3. I used this to compile my contract:
    $ solc --strict-assembly --optimize contracts/MagicNumber.yul
  4. Use sendTransaction to deploy bytecode.

My solution: smart contract, test

19. Alien Codex

In my opinion, this is the most controversial level because you need to abuse a bug in an older Solidity version. This level is a pain in the ass. It really hurts. But it’s worth it.

In an older version of Solidity (this level uses Solidity 0.5.0) there was a bug that allowed to change the length of an array without adding or removing elements. It literary looked liked array.length-- or array.length++. The idea of this level is to abuse this bug to overwrite a private state variable (owner) that has no public setter.

My solution: smart contract, test

20. Denial

This levels teaches you how to break some functionality of a contract that makes external calls. You need to build a contract that, when called, causes a transaction to fail.

My solution: smart contract, test

21. Shop

This is a tricker version of Elevator. The difference is that the external function that’s called has view modifier, which doesn’t allow your contract to modify internal state. Also, this levels sets a tight limit of gas available to you contract. However, the solution is much more straightforward.

My solution: smart contract, test

22. Dex

The goal is to hack a decentralized exchange and withdraw its liquidity to your address. It’ll help a lot to learn about the basics of DEXes, for example by studying how Uniswap works. After that, it won’t be a problem to spot an implementation flaw in the contract.

My solution: smart contract, test


And that’s it! I hope this writeup was helpful and you learned a lot from this game!